Professor of Marketing and
Consumer Behavior
Consumer information processing particularly in relation to branding (brand transgressions, brand relationships, and brand loyalty) and financial decision-making (money, saving, gambling)
Google Scholar (accessed on March 10, 2025) = 1122, h-index = 11, i10-index = 11.
Journal Publications (* denotes equal contribution # denotes co-author was a PhD student when project was initiated)
Grégoire, Yany*, Mansur Khamitov*, François Carrillat*, and Mina Rohani (2025), “The Attenuation Effects of Time and “Sensemaking” Surveys on Customer Revenge,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 53 (1), 172-196.
Khamitov, Mansur, Koushyar Rajavi, Der-Wei Huang#, and Yuly Hong# (2024), "Consumer Trust: Meta-analysis of 50 Years of Empirical Research," Journal of Consumer Research, 51 (1), 7-18.
Khamitov, Mansur and Marina Puzakova (2022), "Possessive Brand Names in Brand Preferences and Choice: The Role of Inferred Control,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50 (5), 1032-1051.
Connors, Scott*#, Mansur Khamitov*, Matthew Thomson, and Andrew Perkins (2021), "They’re Just Not that into You: How to Leverage Existing Consumer-Brand Relationships through Social Psychological Distance," Journal of Marketing, 85 (5), 92-108.
Wang, Xin (Shane)*, Shijie Lu*, Xi Li*, Mansur Khamitov*, and Neil Bendle* (2021), “Audio Mining: The Role of Vocal Tone in Persuasion,” Journal of Consumer Research, 48 (2), 189-211.
Khamitov, Mansur, Yany Grégoire, and Anshu Suri# (2020), “A Systematic Review of Brand Transgression, Service Failure-Recovery, and Product-Harm Crisis: Integration and Guiding Insights,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48 (3), 519-42.
Khamitov, Mansur, Xin (Shane) Wang, and Matthew Thomson (2019), “How Well Do Consumer-Brand Relationships Drive Customer Brand Loyalty? Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis of Brand Relationship Elasticities”, Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (3), 435-59.
Duclos, Rod and Mansur Khamitov (2019), “Compared to Dematerialized Money, Cash Increases Impatience in Intertemporal Choice”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29 (3), 445-54.
Rotman, Jeff*#, Mansur Khamitov*, and Scott Connors*# (2018), “Lie, Cheat, and Steal: How Harmful Brands Motivate Consumers to Act Unethically,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (2), 353-61.
Connors, Scott*#, Mansur Khamitov*, Sarah Moroz*#, Lorne Campbell*, and Claire Henderson# (2016), “Time, Money, and Happiness: Does Putting a Price on Time Affect Our Ability to Smell the Roses?” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 67, 60-64.
Khamitov, Mansur*, Jeff Rotman*#, and Jared Piazza (2016), “Perceiving the Agency of Harmful Agents: A test of Dehumanization versus Moral Typecasting Accounts,” Cognition, 146, 33-47.
Other Publications
Khamitov, Mansur, Koushyar Rajavi, Der-Wei Huang, and Yuly Hong (2024), “Brand Trust,” Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior, eds. Johanna Gollnhofer, Reto Hofstetter, and Torsten Tomczak, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 55-58.
Allard, Thomas and Mansur Khamitov (2020), "The Surprising Upside of Expensive Products that Don't Sell," Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2020/10/the-surprising-upside-of-expensive-products-that-dont-sell.
Khamitov, Mansur (2020), “How Alderfer’s E.R.G. Theory Can Inform Post-Coronavirus Strategy for Brands,” WARC (World Advertising Research Center), https://www.warc.com/content/article/warc-exclusive/how-alderfers-erg-theory-can-inform-post-coronavirus-strategy-for-brands/en-GB/131608.
Goode, Miranda*, Mansur Khamitov*, and Matthew Thomson* (2015), “Dyads, Triads and Consumer Treachery: When Interpersonal Connections Guard Against Brand Cheating,” Handbook of Strong Brands, Strong Relationships, ed. Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale, and Jill Avery, London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 216-32.
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